Monday, April 4, 2011

God’s Message For Japan (And For Us)

Tsunami hits Japan after earthquake
Photo courtesy of Reuters
According to a new survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, less than four-in-10 (38 percent) believe earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters are a sign from God; even fewer (29 percent) believe that God sometimes punishes nations for the sins of some of its citizens.

White evangelical Protestants are the exception to this pattern. Among evangelicals, about six-in-10 (59 percent) believe natural disasters are a sign from God, and a smaller majority (53 percent) believe that God judges nations for the sins of some of their citizens. Only one-in-five white mainline

Protestants or Catholics believe God punishes nations for the sins of some of the citizens.
In the days following the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, many people question how and why this tragic event has occurred? Is there an underlying meaning behind it? Some people say that God is punishing Japan. Others say it is a sign of the end times or the coming of the apocalypse. Still, others say it is what it is---an earthquake followed by a tsunami. But, the common theme I have seen in many articles about this natural disaster (and others) is: Is God Judging Japan?

Why is it that whenever a natural disaster occurs somewhere in the world, many Christians or the deeply religious assume that God is angry with them? For instance, when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on Aug. 29, 2005, many Christians believed God sent a hurricane to punish them mostly due to their constant indulgence in sexual sins, including homosexuality. When a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on Jan.12, 2010, many Christians pointed out that God was judging Haiti’s history of religious syncretism---mixing elements of various faiths, including occult practices. Haiti is also known for voodoo, sorcery, and a Catholic tradition influenced by the occult. There were many natural disasters that occurred in previous years in which people believed the world was coming to an end or it was a sign of God’s wrath. And yet, the world is still turning; it didn’t end.

But as humans we always want an answer or explanation to everything-- that’s very understandable. Natural disasters freak us out. But to ask, “Is God Judging Japan?” is not a fair question to ask. If God is judging Japan for their sins, then He’s also judging me and every individual in this entire world. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23)

If anything, I think we are the ones that are judging them. Japan may be guilty of “spiritual adultery” and yes, God will judge them. But, I don’t think we know for sure that God is punishing them in this manner. I really don’t think we can claim to understand the judgment of God in this particular situation. And, if God were using an earthquake and tsunami to judge Japan, we as Christians do not have the right to cast stones.

Instead, we as believers in Jesus Christ need to stand in the gap for Japan; we must pray and act. In the midst of this crisis where people have lost everything, there is still good news for Japan---God Loves Them! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only real message of hope.The cross of Jesus Christ declares that He loves Japan. This is God’s message to Japan:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

As believers, it is our responsibility to show Japan His love, and share His Gospel. Let us pray that this tragedy will leave a openness to the Gospel among the Japanese people. That will be to the glory of God. And, as believers let us do whatever we can to alleviate the suffering they’ve endured and comfort those who are grieving. Let us show them the same compassion, love and mercy that God shows us everyday. Let us show them that there is a God who cares, a God who wants to restore and revive them. This is God’s message to Japan and for us.

Here's how to help:
(Note: these organizations are trustworthy and respected.)
Global Giving. Global giving has set up a Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund.

Mercy Corps. You can give through their website or text MERCY to 25383 to support Mercy Corps Japan earthquake relief efforts with a $10 donation. You can also set up an online fundraising page for Japan to get friends and family involved.

Red Cross. To make a donation you can visit their page on the disaster in Japan. Or text redcross to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

Salvation Army. You can text "JAPAN" or "QUAKE" to 80888 to make $10 donation, or visit their website.


1 comment:

  1. How should we respond when a nation encounters a natural disaster? Do we judge? Do we pray? Or do we do nothing?
